Some of the common issues that we have helped
our customers with:
- Eliminate lost, damaged, stolen or misplaced CDs or DVDs
- Share CD or DVD based information with others
- Need more space for data storage
- Simplify, speed up or lower cost of backing up data
- Provide ready access to archived data over the network
If you need help finding the most appropriate solution
for you needs click here to contact
an advisor or call 1-800-433-5133.
Some of the Many Ways PrimeArray Products
Are Used
Click on the links below to learn more about our markets served, uses for
our technology and user types worldwide.
Advertising & Graphic Arts
Digital media is causing an explosion in data storage needs. Stock photos, graphics, clip art, high quality images, advertisements and marketing PowerPoint presentations are relatively static but require large amounts of storage space and need to be readily available for when they are needed. PrimeArray systems can store both CD/DVD based data (e.g. subscription service) and general files (e.g. .jpg, .tif, .ppt, etc.) on the same system for ease of maintenance and centralized organization.
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PrimeArray has been selling to schools at all levels for over ten years. Public or private, K-12, Secondary, College or Corporate all use PrimeArray systems to share programs, research publications or host training multimedia. PrimeArray systems support both Mac and Windows clients.
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Equipment Maintenance (Aircraft, Auto, Truck and Heavy Equipment
Aircraft and equipment manufacturers are pushing to get their customers off paper manuals. With the amount of data, large diagrams and plans these companies use, the files are ideally suited for CD/DVD distribution.
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Financial Services
Supporting the IT needs of a large branch network is much easier when software programs, patches and
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Federal, State and Local governments use PrimeArray products for records retention, community access, FedLog and many other common uses.
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Healthcare is a data intensive field with many uses for PrimeArray products.
Computer-based training is used to keep current with advances. A PrimeArray CD Server enables training disks to be online for use whenever or wherever the pupil needs it.
Many X-Ray and MRI machines write the output to CDs or DVDs. Doctors want to get these online for review by the appropriate people.
As medical records age, they are often archived to CD or DVD. The NetServ systems can automate that process for you.
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Many law firms and court systems receive updates and opinions on laws, cases, regulations and statutes via CD based subscriptions. They like the speed and control that disk-based subscriptions offer over Internet subscriptions.
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Many libraries provide access to publications distributed on CD. Many Government publications come in this form as well. Enabling multiple users to access the same or multiple resources simultaneously is an important factor for libraries.
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Manufacturers have electronic manuals, records, training materials and software they need to make available.
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The U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Reserves and National Guard all use PrimeArray systems for a variety of programs and data they receive on CD or DVD media. FedLog and training programs are some examples.
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Software Development
Software developers use PrimeArray products to store and share Microsoft MSDN and Technet, for QA to test disks, and for training.
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Taxes & Accounting Firms
Updates for rulings, tax law changes are often stored on CD-ROM and DVD-ROM and made accessible using PrimeArray products.
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Archival/Historical Data
Businesses generate huge amounts of data, some of which must be always available for access. Cancelled checks, Reports and Payroll records are just a few examples.
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Electronic Manuals (Repair, Maintenance and Operations)
A significant trend has been the move away from paper-based manuals in favor of the electronic form. Not only does this save loads of time filing endless updates to the manuals (not to mention the space they take up), but electronic manuals shared over the network are available wherever you need them and can easily be shared by multiple users simultaneously.
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FedLog is the Federal Governments procurement system for thousands of everyday items. It is distributed on CDs quarterly to thousands of organizations which depend on this for their procurement needs.
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Graphics, Stock Photos, Advertising
Companies like Dynamic Graphics and Multi-Ad Services distribute massive numbers of industry art and graphics to their subscribers. Stock photos, line art and clip art are also distributed in this way.
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Laws, Status and Regulation Updates
Subscribers to information services such as LoisLaw and CCH can receive the database and regular updates via CD-ROM. Onsite databases provide faster and more reliable access.
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Marketing Materials and Presentations
PowerPoint presentations and large graphics files can consume large amounts of storage of fairly static data.
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Microsoft Development Support (MSDN, Technet)
Software developers using Microsoft products depend on these subscriptions for loads of technical data and updates from Microsoft.
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Scanned Images
For searchability and reduced storage space, scanned images of paper records are great, but they make for large digital files. PrimeArray products are ideal for storing infrequently-used material like this either as CD images or as data files.
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Software Programs, Patches and Updates
Most software programs are distributed on CD-ROM. Passing disks around is risky and leads to wasted time looking for who has the disks and potentially costly replacement of lost or damaged disks.
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Training Materials and Courses
More and more organizations are moving to computer-based training to keep their people up on the latest skills and trends. While some use Internet-based services, many like the speed, bandwidth and economy of disk-based training.
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Additional User Storage
Network storage can provide needed relief to users whose hard disks are full, possibly extending the useful life of their computers. Certainly it is easier and less expensive to add network storage than replacing or upgrading users PCs to handle todayıs storage needs. Network storage also provides a convenient centralized location where users can store shared files. Network storage can also provide a convenient location for users to back up their desktop computers.
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Backup Staging Server
As the nightly backup window shrinks and the amount of data and systems to be backed-up grows, a PrimeArray NAS system can provide a vital intermediary in backing up to tape. Systems can be backed-up to the FlexNAS at disk-to-disk speeds, virus checked and staged for backup to tape.
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Data and E-mail Archival
Businesses have huge amounts of data and old emails that must be saved, must be accessible on occasion, but are not needed on a day to day basis.PrimeArray FlexNAS provides economical storage for these large quantities of data.
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Departmental Storage
Perhaps Marketing needs space for program materials, graphics files or presentations or perhaps Engineering has large CAD/CAM files. PrimeArray NAS products provide an excellent means to satisfy those needs with easy, scalable and reliable storage. A unique capability of the PrimeArray NetServ products is the ability to store both general data files and store CD-ROM and DVD-ROM based information. For instance, an advertising department might receive stock photos, clip art, industry art via CD or DVD, but they also generate graphics files and .pdfs on their own. These can be stored on the same system.
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Regulation Compliance- Data Retention
Sarbannes-Oxley and other such regulations stipulate the need to retain large amounts of information. Add the storage space you need easily.
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Tapeless Backup
As the price of hard disk storage falls and the window for backing up that data gets compressed, consider using PrimeArray network attached storage for your offsite backup and disaster recovery needs. The FlexNAS comes with Logical Sync to provide full or differential backups to a system located at another facility. Set up scheduled backups or initiate them manually. Its fast and easy and amazingly affordable. With mirrored data offsite, getting back in service is much faster and more reliable.
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